Tuesday 31 May 2016

Android Tools Every Android Developer Should Know About

  1. Android Studio 

Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device.It provide World-class code editing, debugging, performance tooling, a flexible build system, and an instant build/deploy system all allow you to focus on building unique and high quality apps.

Download : here

2.AVD Manager

This is a fantastic feature of Android Studio that allows developers to test their app on a virtual device to make sure everything works properly. There is the ability to customize pretty much every aspect of the device including instruction set, ram size, screen size and resolution. Performance is pretty decent, although you can tell it is a virtual machine. There is one way to improve performance however, Google worked with Intel to release a “fast virt mode” using Intel’s Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager (HAXM) to speed up the performance of the virtual device

3.Android Device Monitor

This is a very interesting feature included with Android Studio. The Android Device Manager allows the developer to monitor their device while it is plugged into the computer or to monitor a virtual device. This includes how many processes are running and on what thread, network stats and the ability to look at the LogCat. There is also a file explorer which is useful if your app writes data to the device. This program is essentially a supercharged LogCat.

2. Genymotion

Genymotion Emulator for Android DevelopmentSpeed up your development lifecycle with an easy, accessible, and effective testing and collaboration toolAnyone who is familiar with the default Android Emulator will know that starting the emulator and running an app can be an extremely slow and tedious process. Genymotion solves this problem by providing a free (for personal uses) hardware accelerated Android emulator which is screaming fast.its for free for students Download

3.Fluid UI App Prototyping

Fluid UI is a neat web-based mobile storyboarding and prototyping tool which allows you to rapidly assemble native-looking mock-ups. The paid version starts at around $10 / month and unlocks the ability to share clickable prototypes and PDFs of your creations with others. It's free to try and is an affordable, mobile-specific alternative to many of the other prototyping tools out there.

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